Wednesday 25 September 2013

Network Marketing - The Ripple Effect System

Network marketing, often times called multi-level marketing or MLM, is an awesome business model which allows almost anyone to build a business. The basic premise about an MLM business is word-of-mouth advertising. A person recruits or enrolls other people to use, market, and promote products.
A key ingredient to a healthy network marketing organization is a solid system. A system refers to the cycle of activity that a person goes through to be successful. This system has to be simple and very duplicatable. Although you may be gifted and talented to recruit 100 people in an hour, those 100 people won't be able to do the same.
The Ripple Effect System
The Ripple Effect System was designed in 2013 by Marshall and Ruby Gordon, professional network marketers with Unicity International. The system was developed out of a need to create continuity throughout their organization. The idea is that 1 person recruited today will be able to duplicate themselves with little effort.
Highlights of the Ripple Effect System are:
Prospecting - In network marketing, prospecting is key. Network marketing is for everyone, but everyone can't do network marketing. Under the Ripple Effect System, prospecting is taken very serious. You don't go after everyone you know.
Inviting - The first "person-to-person" activity is inviting. You want prospects to simply take a look. So if the invitation is not sound, you could lose them. Within Ripple Effect System, each partner is provided with a very simple invitation script that can be used over and over again.
Presentation - The 3rd step in a solid system is the presentation. This is the prospect's initial look. The System utilizes 1 tool for presentations. A live webinar hosted by Marshall and Ruby Gordon. This is ideal because no one in the organization has to ever present.
Follow Up - The webinar is very powerful and makes a very compelling case for network marketing. After the initial presentation, most prospects will need a 2nd "touch, and most will call the partner back wanting more information. Everyone in the organization has the information needed to answer the questions.
Getting Started - This is probably the most important step. New partners are fresh and fired up. You want to get them started right away. A delay could cost you a business partner. So the Ripple Effect System equips the partners with the tools that they need to get their partners started fast. There is no delay, and a partner can start the day they sign up.
The Ripple Effect System is a remarkable system which has created dynamic businesses. The idea is take all of the "heavy lifting" out of the hands of the partners. So 70 to 80 percent of the work is done for you.
If you are thinking about joining a network marketing company, you want to make sure that you don't do all of the work. A system should be in place to do it for you. Otherwise, you'll have a part-time job!
Brandon Barclow is a professional network marketer and a key contributor to the Ripple Effect System. He has built an dynamic organization utilizing the Ripple Effect System. To learn more about him, his business, or the system

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